Healthy Food Recipes for Diet: Healthy Fried Chicken Breast

Next, you can eat this delicious fried chicken breast. Chicken breast is well known to be used as an ingredient for making healthy food recipes for dieting. In addition, chicken breast is also good for consumption to build muscle.

Here are the ingredients and how to make healthy fried chicken breast as a healthy food recipe for a diet:


  • Chicken breast
  • Low fat butter
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Curry
  • Garlic powder
  • Green vegetables (spinach, broccoli, cabbage, etc.) can choose one.

How to make:

  1. Cut the chicken breast into small pieces, or it can be lengthwise.
  2. After that, heat your face and apply butter on it.
  3. Saute chicken pieces and add pepper, curry, salt and garlic powder.
  4. Fry until the chicken turns brown.
  5. Prepare the green vegetables that have been washed, then stir-fry with the chicken breast.
  6. Wait until it's cooked.

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